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pgtyped to override built-in types if you so desire by providing custom TS types or importing your own.

Changing the types returned by Postgres

You can customise the way Postgres responses are parsed very simply in your application:

import { types } from 'pg'

// DATE are now returned as string instead of Date objects
types.setTypeParser(types.builtins.DATE, (val: string) => val);

// DECIMAL and other precision types are now returned as number instead of string
types.setTypeParser(types.builtins.NUMERIC, (val: string) => Number(val));

This is very straight forward, but pgtyped is not aware of those custom parsers, you need to indicate those changes in the config file.

Overriding default mapping

In the config file you override the default type mapping:

"typesOverrides": {
"date": "string",
"numeric": "number"

You can also specify imported types that you declare yourself:

"typesOverrides": {
"timestamptz": "dayjs#Dayjs", // import { Dayjs } from 'dayjs';
"char": "my-package as MyType", // import MyType from 'my-package';
"money": "my-package#Foo as MyType", // import { Foo as MyType} from 'my-package';
"numeric": "./path/to/file#MyCustomType", // import { MyCustomType } from './path/to/file';
"float": "./path/to/file#MyCustomType as Alias", // import { MyCustomType as Alias } from './path/to/file';
"smallint": "../myFile as MyType" // import MyType from '../myFile';

All relative paths must be relative to the roo of your project.

Different types for parameters and return type

Query results are always parsed the same way, for instance a Postgres DATE will always be parsed as a javascript Date (assuming you did not add a custom parser).

SELECT date_of_birth FROM users;

Here date_of_birth should be typed as a Date. But query parameters can support multiple types, for instance a DATE can be compared with a javascript Date or with a string.

SELECT id FROM users WHERE date_of_birth = :dateOfBirth;

Here dateOfBirth should be typed string | Date as it can receive either. You can specify different types in the config file:

"typesOverrides": {
"date": {
"parameter": "string | Date",
"return": "Date"

Default mapping

The default mapping is as follows:

type Json = null | boolean | number | string | Json[] | { [key: string]: Json }

type DefaultMapping = {
// Integer types
'int2': number
'int4': number
'int8': string
'smallint': number
'int': number
'bigint': string

// Precision types
'real': number
'float4': number
'float': number
'float8': number
'numeric': string
'decimal': string

// Serial types
'smallserial': number
'serial': number
'bigserial': string

// Common string types
'uuid': string
'text': string
'varchar': string
'char': string
'bpchar': string
'citext': string
'name': string

// Bool types
'bit': boolean
'bool': boolean
'boolean': boolean

// Dates and times
'date': Date
'timestamp': Date
'timestamptz': Date
'time': Date
'timetz': Date
'interval': string

// Network address types
'inet': string
'cidr': string
'macaddr': string
'macaddr8': string

// Extra types
'money': string
'tsvector': string
'void': undefined,

// JSON types
'json': Json,
'jsonb': Json,

// Bytes
'bytea': Buffer,